Adding images

To find free images on the internet
  1. Please do not just Google it and use it as you are likely to infringe on copyright.
  2. For some free (and legal) image libraries (that are easy to search): see here.

Add Main (Featured) Image
  1. Scroll down to Featured Image > Set featured image
  2. Blue button Set featured image (if no more than 640 wide)


Resize image (if larger than 640 pixels wide)

  1. See the image width (in this case, 800 pixels)
  2. Click Edit image under the image size
  3. Change width to 640
  4. Scale
  5. Back
  6. Tick/select the image
  7. Set featured image


Adding extra images within the story

  1. Create a space for the image (by pressing Return)
  2. Add Media
  3. Upload image (same as Set featured image above)
  4. Select size (under 640 wide)
  5. Insert

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