Creating a new FeedsyFlash preview

This should take about 2-5 minutes.

If you include a single or selection of stories then they will need to already be in your FeedsyCentre before you go any further.

Duplicate the template

  1. FeedsyMailHQ
  2. Campaign

3. Duplicate the FeedsyFlash Template by rolling your mouse over the far right of the template and clicking on the [+] icon.

Edit the message - Subject and Sender

  1. Click on the duplicated FeedsyFlash Template (copy)
  2. Click top Edit
  3. Title: Only seen by you
  4. Subject: This is the subject of the email seen by the subscriber
  5. From: It can be from any name and any email address (and is seen by the subscriber)

Edit the content - Edit settings

  1. Click middle Edit

Edit the content - Top Bar

  1. Click Edit (in the top bar)
  2. If text is white coloured, select it all and change it to black
  3. Change the text
  4. If it was white, select it all and change the colour back to white
  5. Save changes

Edit the content - Message

  1. Click Edit (in the message area)
  2. If text is white coloured, select it all and change it to black
  3. Change the text or paste it in (as plain/raw/unformatted text)
  4. Note: If pasting it is recommended to add in linebreaks and paragraph spaces AFTER pasting
  5. If it was white, select it all and change the colour back to white
  6. Save changes

Edit the content - Button

You can change the text and link of the default CONTACT button that links to your mobile optimised contact screen on your FeedsyWeb.
  1. Click Edit (next to the CONTACT button)
  2. Change the text
  3. Click the settings (cog) icon > Edit Link
  4. Enter the desired URL (including http://...)
  5. Save changes

Edit the content - Select Stories

You can include one or more existing stories from your FeedsyCentre:
  1. Click Manage posts (under Message area)
    1. If no stories are displaying, type in the full URL of your FeedsyWeb (eg into the top above on the left
  2. Untick any unwanted stories
  3. Tick any wanted stories 
    1. Click Show older/newer posts to see more (if required)
  4. Done
If you do not want any stories to appear:
  1. Click on the website name (the field above the story list) - eg xPert News
  2. Delete this text
  3. The posts should disapear
  4. Done

See a Preview

  1. Click Preview

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